Invenias Training
New starters - Productive in 2-3 HOURS
New starters need someone to show them the what and how for maximum speed of adoption. Training starts with the essentials and follows a logical structure of teaching in line with the consultants role and function. There are three modules to choose from:
Assignment delivery
Researcher only
System set up and admin
They are easy to digest and reduce the perceived mountain to climb.
Consultants are shown on the trainers online screen and user their new skills to put into practice various scenarios. The trainer answers questions and suggests corrections. It turns dull video learning into a fun, productive and interactive experience. Onsite training is also available.
Learn invenias & productivity features
Unsure if you are using all the possible Invenias productivity features to best effect; or, just want to know how to use a new part of Invenias. There are regular Q&A sessions to answer specific queries or look at the following training plans to see what would support your business.
Assignment Delivery
Project set up and management
Research management and tools
Client and candidate engagement
Assessment and selection
Placement and renewals
Operations and Compliance
Keeping a firm hand on business control is essential and Invenias is great when configured and used effectivly for:
Overall assignment status
Revenue forecasting
Billing, invoicing and charging
Data Privacy and GDPR
Commissions and bonuses
Training is delivered with group training from a trainer’s screen online, or onsite training sessions.
Client Relationship Management
Invenias is an effective CRM system to run your customer and candidate relationships. It flexes to how you wish the internal systems to perform. Here are the top level training plans for CRM:
Marketing Database
Campaign Management
Sales forecasting
Client relationship management
Talent releationship management
Get all of your team working in synchronisation with common data to maximise competitive edge.
Training is delivered with group training from a trainer’s screen online, or onsite training sessions.
Question and Answer Workshops
Its invaluable to ask questions of an expert when you are frustrated with not knowing how to do something. We have three main public workshops that cover:
Assignment delivery
Operations and compliance
Just select the workshop and nearest date that suites and you have access to an expert for way less than the usual hourly rate.