Invenias Performance Investigation
Invenias Performance Investigation
Sell more, convert better, faster, at same cost. SearchEX Invenias Performance Investigation increases performance with the power of database analysis and actionable insights based on years of experience. It is used for long term users to ensure company peak performance.
It analyses search process stages and identifies options for increased performance. For business development, research and long list creation, consultant interview, client submission and interview or offer-to-placed. Each step of the way is presented with recommendations to excel.
Is performed online and takes up to 5 hours.
Priced at £625 UKP, $775 USD and €725 EUR
The areas the investigation covers are:
Usage of productivity features like email templates, call backs, automatic sending of CV’s and interviews.
Creation of custom templates and usage to gain the productivity advantage
Check of standard templates to see usage
Use of Insights (feedback, scoring and likes)
Feedback: Saving feedback from consultant and client interviews means interview data is available in future assignments and helps to get a clear picture of the candidate. If this is not being used it would give a basic improvement of reducing time to placement
Scoring: Ideal for matching clients top 5 requirements to candidates and feeding back to clients in a shortlist report. Improves service to customers and a good way of tracking and storing candidate abilities.
Using Custom list views to make Invenias work the way they want and makes user adoption and utility easier
Global list views will be assessed for utility including GDPR for territories that use it
GDPR usage for territories that have a requirement. Is it being used correctly to ensure conformance
Categories: Are there too many for the consultants to use, some not used and can some be consolidated. Comprehensive saving of interview data in categories means simple category searches give validated results for future assignments search
Research Functions: are they being used. Researchers get more benefit, especially if they are currently using spreadsheet because they don’t know what Invenias can do.
Are past assignments being used. If not a great source of good candidates for a new assignment long list
Reports: what are being used and is the correct data being put in Invenias for them to populate correctly
Analytics, if being used: what are being used and is the correct data being put in Invenias for them to populate correctly
Business Development and programme usage
Forecasting usage if being used
Billing usage if being used